New Box
Bell Lane Events
Forthcoming Events

Check here frequently to see what is happening in the lane. As well as the social events we will post details of any road maintenance activities. We are always grateful for an hour or two of people's time for everything from filling potholes to helping with refreshments.

These are the events for this year

Christmas Party 8th December 2019
A great time was had by all at this year's Christmas Party. We started earlier this year so that the younger children in the lane could enjoy it as well.

Special thanks are due to Lynn Brunt who organised the raffle and to Jo Harris who donated a large number of DVDs as prizes.

Dave DeBell assisted by Don Ballard prepared all the food and thank you to all those that donated food and prizes for the event.

We wish all the residents of the lane the compliments of the season and a prosperous New Year.

The next big event will be the Summer Barbeque and we look forward to seeing you all there.

xmas party 2019 
Summer Barbeque
11th August 2019
This year's summer barbeque party was a great success

Click here for more pictures

bbq 11 August 2019
Christmas Party
8th December 2019
Bedmond Village Hall
This year we will be starting the Christmas Party at the earlier time of 4.30 pm so that families with younger children can come. Adults are of course welcome at any time but we will be opening the bar at 6pm.

We look forward to seeing you all there and making it as enjoyable an event as last year.

There will be the usual excellent range of food and drink and a raffle for which we hope that you will all donate a prize.

Ticket price is £7.50 for adults and £2.50 for children.

xmas party 2018